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Does Turkesterone need a PCT / Do you need to run a PCT / Post Cycle Therapy on Turkesterone?

Does Turkesterone need a PCT / Do you need to run a PCT / Post Cycle Therapy on Turkesterone? Since Turkesterone has grown in popularity and so many people have seen huge muscle and strength gains from it, many people think it is a typical steroid. Steroids like testosterone alter your hormone profile drastically and these hormone imbalances are what cause the need to run a PCT or Post Cycle Therapy. PCT / Post Cycle Therapy is what people who use steroids do after a cycle. When these people take outside testosterone the body stops producing it's own testosterone. PCT / Post Cycle Therapy is done to kick start the bodies natural production of testosterone. Below we will explain why you...

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Does Turkesterone Have Side Effects

Does Turkesterone Have Side Effects? This is a very common questions about Turkesterone. People assume because it has been shown in numerous studies to help grow muscle in humans and have steroids (Ecdysteroid) in the name, that it must have some kind of side effects like anabolic steroids. The truth is that Turkesterone is derived from plant steroids that they release when stressed out. Funny enough humans have receptors in our brains for these exact plant steroids. But do plant steroids like Turkesterone cause side effects? People automatically assume that is something has the word steroid in the name, that it is in the same family as anabolic steroids like testosterone, trenbolone, Dianabol, etc. But this is far from reality....

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How Does Turkesterone and Other Ecdysteroids Work to Help Build Muscle

How Does Turkesterone and Other Ecdysteroids Help Build Muscle Turkesterone and Other Ecdysteroids are very similar to Testosterone in chemical nature, but act very differently in the body. Testosterone and SARM's bind to the Androgen receptors in the body and help spur muscle growth. This is the typical way that muscle is built in the body and is exactly why SARM's (Selective Androgen Receptor Modulators) were created. SARM's were designed to selectively bind to the androgen receptors in order to help improve muscle wasting diseases as well as osteoporosis. Up until a few years ago it was thought that in order to build muscle a compound would need to attach to the androgen receptors in the body. In fact when...

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Are You Still Considered Natural / Natty If You Take Turkesterone?

 Are You Still Considered Natural / Natty If You Take Turkesterone? Are people who use Turkesterone still considered Natty? This poses an interesting question. First we will need to address what you consider to be a natural or natty lifter. Is someone who takes creatine or drinks protein shakes still considered natty? In our personal opinion yes as neither of those are anabolic steroids or SARMS. But some people may disagree as protein shakes and concentrated creatine would not be found in nature. But for most people in the world of body building and weightlifting, supplements that are not considered anabolic are generally viewed as natural or natty. So where does Turkesterone fall in this Natty or not world. Are...

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